It’s a great pleasure to convey my sincere greetings to all the stakeholders of Himal Dolakha Hydropower Company Limited as the executive chairman.

Over the years, our company has continued to evolve into a major producer of hydroelectricity in Nepal with multiple hydropower projects in various districts. Thanks to the unwavering efforts of the dedicated management team, the engineering team, and all our operations staff in all the project sites, HDHPC has been able to achieve new horizons of success and efficiency.

Our company is built on the long-term vision of supporting the nation’s development and growth by enabling efficient production of sustainable energy with a major focus on the hydropower sector.

Our long history in the construction sector and the culture of continuous learning has helped achieve key technological capabilities that provides HDHPC with a sustainable competitive advantage.

We have established important strategic collaborations with national and international partners for technology transfer and innovation. We have been working very hard to achieve dynamic capabilities in the construction and management of hydropower plants, building important physical and human resources that are key to incorporating cost effective innovative solutions to our operational challenges.

This has enabled us to successfully achieve our operational and social objectives of sustainability and growth for our company and the community. The community is at the heart of everything we do at HDHPC.

We have been very fortunate to have our projects embedded in communities who truly value the impact of our work on the present and future generations of our country. Thanks to the community members and leaders for supporting us through these years. Thanks also to all the members of the social institutions, government bodies, technology partners, and all our stakeholders for trusting and guiding us in all our endeavors. And thanks to our investors for believing in us and providing us with the direction for future growth and prosperity for all.

We will strive harder in the future to uphold your trust in us.

Warm regards,
Ranjana Dahal
Himal Dolakha Hydropower Company Limited.